The Portraits

"If you want a picture, go to the photographer"

Woodns was never a real portrait, despite having spent several days in that type of activity and having sold several. Many times during the summer, would stand with the stand and an empty chair in the most crowded by tourists and there, for little money, engages in the portrait. Observation, those faces paintings lacked most of the time the special characteristic that must possess this type of framework, that is, almost the perfection of similarity.
Sometimes been criticized for that deficiency, and then defended himself saying, "If you want a picture, go to the photographer." In some ways you could not even agree with him, because in fact the artist sees you in his own way, perhaps, is capable of capturing aspects and expressions that ordinary mortals escape. This is exactly what was said on the day of his funeral. The parish priest, Don Renato, who had been by his portrait, he based his homily on this very topic. Stressing that his effigy, at first glance, not perfectly modeled on its features, but added that he realized after a more detailed analysis, noting the stretch of the eye, that the design was very similar, or even more. Portrayed perfectly what is deepest, hidden traits of his soul. The perfect identikit of what we, with our daily thousand masks, we try to hide. And that is our true essence

In contrast art experts judge his portraits, among all the works he has left us, the most sublime.

Viola player

Portrayed perfectly what is deepest, hidden traits of the soul.

Walk to lake-gardens of Como (2002)

The site chosen often for portraits.

Comp image

I copied ... the 'essence.

would stand with the stand ... and an empty chair ..

Crowded places frequented by tourists and there ... for little money, engages in the portrait.

<<< The blood and sepia - Watercolor >>>