刘勇良 - Liu Yongliang

刘勇良 - Liu Yongliang




青年画家,资深设计师、摄影师。曾拜著名画 家、中央美院老教授罗炳芳、吴丽珠、古今明等为师,并与许多中国著名艺术家交往甚密,虚心向他们求教,成为亦师亦友。曾任澳门《盛世神州》杂志美术编辑, 澳门美术馆和亚洲艺术博览会艺术总监,中国边贸联合会《中国边贸》杂志美编部主任兼艺术总监,现为中国书画家委员会委员、亚洲儿童艺术展组委会艺术总监、 中华五千年动画文化工程促进会(主管单位中国文学艺术界联合会登记证号4041)古今明会长助理,《作家报》特约记者。设计和绘画作品多次在国内外比赛中 获奖,绘画作品曾被联合国和红十字会、韩国博物馆、韩国美术家协会等多家国际机构收藏。



Liu Yongliang


was a promise from the young artists, designers and photographers, the highest level. He had by the famous painter, the old professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts Luobing Fang, Wu Lizhu, an education varied between the ancient and the modern. In turn, as a teacher, it is open to trade with many famous Chinese artists, his humility and integrates mantnendo chiededendo consigline becomes a friend and sometimes teacher for them. Become a publisher of a magazine Macao "Spirit of the Divine", the Macao Museum of Art. Artistic Director of Art Fair asiatica.Dirigentedella trade federation for holding the post of Chinese art, "art editor, director and artistic director." He is currently a member of the Committee of Chinese painting and calligraphy. During an exhibition of Asian Art of Children, held at the role of Artistic Director of the Organizing Committee. Assistant to the new president, involving past and present of five thousand years of Chinese Animation Council for the promotion of cultural projects (the unit responsible for the Literary and Art Circles Federation Registration No. 4041), the special envoy of the "writer". Works of drawing and painting have been winning in the game at home and abroad, the paintings were a number of international agencies of the United Nations and the Red Cross, Museum of Korea, "Korea Artists Association collection".

A vanishing landscape -消逝的风景A


   刘勇良无疑是一个非常勤奋而有天分的青年艺术家,他一直游走在东西方文化之间,从他的作品里我们不仅能看到西方现代派大师的毕加索、米罗、凡高、康定斯 基对他的影响,同样也能感受到他与中国传统水墨书画艺术,乃至民间艺术,甚至是远古文明之间那割舍不断的情缘,画家的情感无疑是非常丰富而旺盛的,他用自 己手中的画笔,把自己心胸中不断迸发的激情,以自己独特的形式在不断表现出来,但他的作品似乎又不属于任何我们所已经熟悉的画派,这一切都让我们感觉到是 那么的陌生而又熟悉。也许这就是画家艺术个性的再现。一切都是那么别致而又独具视觉吸引力。



The painter is not only good in the interpretation of traditional Chinese calligraphy, but also excels in carving seal and ink painting. The use of modern colors and composition, breaks out and spreads the narrow confines of traditional Chinese calligraphy, traditional preserving the special seal cutting, inserting notes, however, very innovative, changing forever the ink painting for the hues for the composition. By creating your own personal language in questocampo art. Calligraphic works out of a new forge, possessing the charm of oriental art, but often with a colorful, elegant and contemporary, artistic taste.
Liu Yongliang is a diligent and talented young artists as he wandered among the Eastern and Western cultures. In his works, we can not only observe the influence of Western modernist masters such as Picasso, Miro, Van Gogh or the overt influence of Kandinsky. But what has the upper hand in him, the most familiar, Chinese painting, the traditional one. The 'ink and calligraphy, as well as folk art. A love for the ancient civilization to which the painter can not possibly give up. The emotions he experienced, are undoubtedly rich and strong. The brush explodes in his hands, drawing energy and traveling together to the passions created iin a trip back from his mind. Forms that are materialized and manifested in their uniqueness. His work seems not to belong to no school of painting, although his paintings seem familiar. This is the portrait of the painter's artistic personality. Everything is so chic and unique, a "visual appeal".

Dance of the Snake and Crane - 蛇鹤之舞


法国唯物主义哲学家, 美学家,文学家,狄德罗早在两个半世纪以前就说:“一切生物都是你中有我,我中有你……任何禽兽都多少是人,任何矿物都多少是植物,任何植物都多少是禽 兽……人是什么?人是某类倾向的总和”。“万物皆有灵”、“万物皆有情”刘勇良似乎不仅接受了这个思想而且在不停的做着某些这方面的探索,在画家的笔下一 切的动物,花草和人物都是运动着的,他们同样充满了生命的迹象,他们被画家以自己的独特方式和谐的组合 在了一起,这一点我们从他的许多作品中可以深刻体会得到。



The French philosopher Diderot, materialistic, esthete and writer, already two centuries and a half ago, said: "All creatures are in me, and I in them" ... The animals, any person any mineral, or vegetable ... What is man? is the sum of a particular type of trend. "Everything has a soul," For Liu Yongliang "Everything is everything", and everything is sentimento.Sembra not only accept this idea, but to apply it in his explorations dipittore. Representing all animals, flowers and characters. Figures that are in motion. rigoglosi and vital. The unique way the harmonious and creates an unusual blend. Observe many of his works can be a profound experience.

The Disappearing B - 消逝的风景B


刘勇良有方印章 印文是“偶有得意可忘形”,由此可见画家对于形与神方面的取舍是非常明确的,而这正好又是中国画家千百年来所追求——写意传神。其实,刘勇良一直在用中国 传统宣纸和毛笔进行创作,他所用的材料大多也都是中国传统水墨画家一直在用的国画颜料,偶尔也有炳烯和水粉颜料。刘勇良的作品,契合了传统和现代,融合了 东方和西方;是民族的,也是世界的;是传统的,更是现代的;是写实的,更是写意的;是具体的,更是象征的;是理性的,更是感悟的。它们共同传达了地球万物 之间那样一种健康和谐的美妙关系。他的画是浑然一体的交响乐,是光与色、线与面的统一,是与这个时代的精神相匹配的自然与和谐的美。
熟悉刘勇良的人都知道,他关系最好的艺术圈里的朋友也都是中国传统书法家和国画大家们。但他最推崇却是常玉、林风眠和吴冠中等老一批留洋回来后能在自己 艺术上真正做到中西融合,并创造出具有自己独特现代形式感的革新派艺术家。刘勇良深受他们的思想影响,并在沿着他们指引的方向继续不懈做着自己的努力。



Liu Yongliang printed text sometimes is proud to carry on, we can see that the artist makes with the choice of God is very clear, and this is just another Chinese artists for thousands of years to pursue - and lively impressionistic. In fact, Liu Yongliang been on the traditional Chinese rice paper and a brush to create the materials used are for the most part all traditional Chinese ink painter was painting pigments, occasionally Ping-ene and gouache. Liu Yongliang works, mount the mixture between traditional and modern, East and West, nation and world, the traditional, more modern, realistic, more impressionistic, specifically, is a symbol, is rational, is the perception. Together, they convey the wonderful relationship between the Earth of all things as a healthy and harmonious. His paintings are a perfect symphony, is the unit of light and color, line and form, with the spirit of the times based on the natural and harmonious.
Familiar Liu Yongliang people know that the relationship with his best artistic circles of friends are also the traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting we have. But his most authoritative is Sanyu, Lin and Wu Guanzhong's historical plot Liuyang came in his own artistic integration really Western, and has created its own unique sense of modern forms of innovation-garde artist. Liu Yongliang their ideological influence, and in the direction along continue to work tirelessly to make their own efforts.Continuing to work incessantly and using all their energies.

Chinese totem - 中华图腾






Exhibitions and participations:

2011, to participate in the Chinese writers have reported that the foundation has organized to celebrate the 90 th anniversary of the centenary of the Revolution 100 Jie, China Painting and Calligraphy shows and Arts Innovation Award, his works are "100 Jie Chinese calligraphy and paintings Set;
In 2010, the Beijing International Trade held solo exhibitions and participation in the Asian Art Fair in Beijing;
2010, to participate in South Korea, "The Third Korea-Japan International Art Exchange Exhibition," works by Korean Association and Museum of South Korea;
2010 work "unlimited love" collection by the United Nations and Red Cross of China;
2009, to participate in the "wind Sheng Shixiong - Ministers of the old generals and old paintings and calligraphy to commemorate the 60 th anniversary of the great painting and calligraphy exhibition, works were paintings of large dimensions;
2008 to participate in a hundred meters scroll "Long March to write the intention" of making this and the original painting is now the national museum in China's military, volume 20 micro m reply scroll as a gift for delegates attended part in two sessions. Wenchuan after the earthquake, has donated ten works for charity and the proceeds donated to the earthquake-affected areas;
2006, "hand in hand Tonghui Macau - three for the old generals, and celebrities to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the victory of the anti-Japanese war, sign painting and calligraphy exhibition, the works included in a large book.








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